Interface to grasp misunderstandings for teachers in Quiz
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In this paper, we discuss the interface of elearningsystems that make teachers to grasp students’ misunderstandingsquickly in quizzes. Teachers need to grasp students’misunderstandings to make their lectures effective. Oneof effective method for it is a quiz, which means a simple papertest. Though it is effective, it is troublesome for teachers todistribute answer sheet, collect them, read them, and so on. Weaim to develop an e-learning system to reduce the load ofteachers in the quiz. Especially, we aim to reduce the load toread answers. There are many answer types of quizzes: multiplechoice, descriptive answer, and so on. We focus on a shortdescriptive answer style. It is effective to grasp misunderstandings,since it force students to answer by their own words. Onthe other hand, it is hard for teachers to read all answersquickly, since descriptive answers have a various expressionand format. In our previous work, we proposed the basic systemto reduce the load. In this paper, we enhance the system.The previous system provides answer even before their submission,and teachers can find clues of misunderstandingsquickly. Though the previous system is effective, it bringsteachers heavy loads that are caused by frequent update of thescreen. The new system provides two views: a list of all answersincluding incomplete ones, and a partial list of answersthat have similar words. Teachers can point a focused answeror keyword easily with proposed interface, and get a list ofsimilar answers. It keeps the effectiveness of the previous system,and reduces the heavy load by the partial list. As a result,teachers can improve their lectures even in their lectures.
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