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本研究は,学童後期以降に糖尿病を診断された若者のセルフマネジメントを高める看護援助モデルを考案することを目的とした。本研究の一次研究である学童後期以降に糖尿病を診断された若者のセルフマネジメントに関する記述的研究を基に,若者の診断時から青年期にかけた経験の積み重ねのパターンごとに診断後間もない時期・思春期・青年期の段階別に達成目標を作成した。達成目標は,葛藤を乗り越えて糖尿病が自分や生活に統合され,糖尿病を適切に管理しながら自分らしい生活を送ったり,発達課題に沿った周囲の人との関係を築いたり,コントロールを維持し合併症が生じないことを目指した。また,罹病期間や発達課題を考慮して設定した。そして,一次研究と文献検討から,看護援助モデルを作成した。看護援助モデルは,糖尿病とともに生きることのとらえ方,セルフマネジメント,周囲の人との関わりに焦点をあて,アセスメントの局面,看護援助の局面,評価の局面から構成した。経験の積み重ねの視点を取り入れたこと,診断時の年齢に着目したこと,経験の積み重ねのパターンごとに段階別の達成目標を設定したこと,発達課題に焦点を置いたことなどが,本看護援助モデルの独自性として考えられた。The purpose of this study was to develop a nursing intervention model for self-management by adolescents who were diagnosed with diabetes during pre-adolescence or adolescence. Using a descriptive study of self-management by adolescents who were diagnosed with diabetes during pre-adolescences or adolescences, self-management goals were established based on the adolescents' stage of development and in accordance with self-management patterns. These self-management goals aimed to facilitate the integration of diabetes into the adolescents' lives, maintain proper selfmanagement in daily life, construct relationships in accordance with each developmental task, and control diabetes without complications. A nursing intervention model was constructed based on the following three stages; assessment, nursing intervention, and evaluation. The model focused on the adolescents' perceptions of their life with diabetes, self-management, and relationships with those around them. This represents the first model that focuses on adolescents diagnosed with diabetes during pre-adolescence or adolescence, is based on their accumulated experiences since diagnosis, establishes self-management goals according to their stage of development and self-management patterns, and considers each developmental task.
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