現代の高校生における「ぷちナショナリズム」意識 : 国際試合の応援等にみられる高校生の「日本」をめぐる態度や意識に関する研究
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論文 (Article) The purpose of this study is to analyze the "petit nationalism" (innocent patriotism) of senior high school students (N=1591) based on a questionnaire with results, correlated to such factors as their attributes (gender, grade), social relationships, academic achievement, etc. The study's analysis demonstrates the following facts. First, the factor analysis, principal analytical method with a varimax scale rotation, yielded three factors a "commitment to communities", "agreement about the national flag [HINOMARU]: and the national anthem [KIMIGAYO] and " Chauvinism". Second, many of the students who expressed "petit nationalism" were boys of low academic achievement. Third, they reported good relationships with their friends, parents and local communities. These social ties are what led to their "petit nationalism.
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