中国古代の鉄製道具について : 漢代の考古資料を中心に
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漢代に入ると中国の製鉄業は空前の規模で営まれるようになる。日常生活道具(釜,鼎,暖炉など),農具(犂,鋤,鎌など),手工業道具(鎚,鋸,鑿,鉋など),武具(剣,刀,鎧など).馬具(轡など)を含む大量の鉄製品が生産されたことが考古資料によって裏付けられているが,主に鋳造と鍛造によるものである。当時の生産,流通管理システムとして注目されるのは,全国各地に設置された数十か所の官営施設一「鉄官」(Tie guan)である。多岐にわたる鉄製品の生産は遅くとも戦国時代から始まり,特に華北の燕国の製鉄技術は朝鮮半烏,日本列島を含む東北アジアに大きな影響を与えており.後の漢,魏時代においても引き続き頻繁に交流が行われたと考えられる。 From the beginning of the Han Dynasty, China's steel industry developed on an unprecedented scale. Archaeological evidence confirms that a wide array of molded and wrought ironware, including daily life tools (kettles, Ding and fireplaces); farming implements (plows and sickles), craft tools (hammers, saws, chisels and planes); weapons (swords, knives and armor) and harnesses (chains) were produced. Dozens of government-run facilities, the so-called ■Iron Directories■ or Tie Guan, were set up throughout the country in order to facilitate the manufacture and distribution of iron. The production of a wide range of ironware can be dated to the Warring States period at the latest. Evidence suggests that the iron technology that developed in Yan-located in northern China-had a significant impact on North-East Asia including Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Archipelago, and that there was considerable technology exchange and communication throughout the region during the Han and the Wei Dynasties.
- 2010-06-30
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