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報告Reports本研究の目的は,第1子の母親の子育て不安の実態とソーシャルサポートの現状を明らかにし,支援について検討することである。A市に在住し,平成18年4月~ 9月に第1子を出産した母親に対し,新生児訪問指導時(以下訪問時) と4か月児健康診査時(以下健診時) に質問紙調査を行った。健診時は訪問時に比べて子育て不安「有り」の割合や一人の母親が抱える不安の数は減少し,多くの項目で不安と感じる母親の割合も減少していたが,「離乳食」は有意に増加していた。子育ての相談相手は訪問時と健診時共に「自分の母」に次いで「夫」が多かったが,健診時には夫と共に子育てをしているという実感は有意に減少していた。訪問時と健診時のいずれにおいても,母親であることを肯定的に捉えている者がほとんどで,否定的に捉えている者は少なかった。保健師の支援においては,変化する子育て不安に対応する予防的支援,母親自身の生き方や価値観というような事柄にも目を向けた支援,夫や家族・地域の人々との関係形成への支援が必要と考えられる。The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual situation of child-care anxieties of new mothers and to consider how to support them. When a mother, living in the city of A who gave birth to a baby between April and September, 2006, received an advice visit for the new-born infant and medical checkup at 4 months years old, research was conducted. The medical checkup, compared to the fi rst visit, showed that the ratio of child-care anxieties and the worries of each mother decreased. Baby food increased signifi cantly although the ratio of mothers who had anxieties decreased in most of the itemized lists. The adviser for child-care was their own mothers followed by their husbands both in the first visit and the medical checkup. However, the actual feeling that the mother is raising her child with her husband decreased significantly in the medical checkup. Most of the mothers took their role positively and only a few took their role negatively. As for supporting public health nurses, the following is considered to be necessary: preventive support to deal with child care anxiety, support regarding also the way of life and perspective of the mother, and support to create relationship between the partner, family and the community.
論文 | ランダム
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