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中国都市部における子どもの肥満は主な公衆衛生上の問題となっている。思春期の自己効力感,肥満と生活習慣の関係を明らかにすることを目的に,中学3年生1167名を対象に自記式質問紙調査を行った。身長体重から求めた肥満度を基準に肥満を分類し,肥満度が20%以上を肥満とした。自己効力感は一般性セルフ・エフィカシー尺度を用い,食バランスはバランススコアで調べた。積極的生活習慣は食習慣,運動習慣,休養習慣で構成し,各要因と積極的生活習慣の関連を検討した。主な結果は,1)中学3年生の肥満の出現率は20.6%であり男子(26.8%)が女子(14.4%)より高いが,やせの出現率は4.2%であり女子(5.1%)は男子(3.3%)より高かった。2)自己効力感の高い人は積極的生活習慣の得点が有意に高かった。3)体重への関心の高い人,食バランスのよい人のいずれも,積極的生活習慣の得点が有意に高かった。4)軽度肥満の男子,重度肥満の女子が体重正常の男女より積極的生活習慣の得点は有意に高かった。従って,中国都市部における肥満予防の介入プログラムは,子どもの生活スタイルの変容に焦点を当てるだけでなく,自己効力感のような社会心理的要因へのアプローチも必要である。Childhood obesity has become a major public health concern in urban areas in China. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy, obesity and lifestyle in adolescents in urban China. A survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire among students in their last year of junior high school (n=1167, age=14-15). The obesity classification was based on the obesity index calculator value obtained from height and body weight. Obesity is defined as obesity index calculator value over 20%. Self-efficacy was measured through the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES). The dietary balance was measured by the nutritional balance score. The student's positive lifestyle was evaluated by three factors; eating, exercise and rest behaviors. Finally, it was examined the relation of the positive lifestyle in each factor. the main results suggest the following: 1) The prevalence rate of obesity among these students was 20.6%, 26.8% for boys compared to 14.4% for girls. In addition, 4.2% of these adolescents were underweight, with slightly higher prevalence among girls at 5.1% than boys at 3.3%. 2) The students who scored higher in self-efficacy also scored significantly higher in positive lifestyle. 3) The subjects who scored higher for 'concern about your own weight' or 'dietary balance' had a significantly higher score in positive lifestyle. 4) The scores of normal weight subjects in both sexes in positive lifestyle were significantly higher than those of boys with slight obesity and girls with severe obesity. Therefore an intervention program for obesity prevention in China should focus not only on changing the children's lifestyle but also on social-psychological factors, such as self-efficacy.