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本研究の目的は,市町村中堅保健師が獲得している施策化に関わる技術・能力とその獲得に影響を与えた経験の特徴を明らかにすることである。施策化の経験を有する,市町村に所属する保健師経験年数6年~20年の保健師6名を対象に,施策化の実践内容,施策化の過程で得た周囲からの助言・サポート,施策化の経験によって獲得した技術・能力などを半構成的面接により調べた。 結果,市町村中堅保健師が獲得している施策化に関わる技術・能力として以下の7つが得られた。すなわち,1.地域の実情を基に政策や社会の動向をおさえて施策を考える能力,2.長期的な視野で施策や活動の目指す姿を創造的に考える能力,3.目標や効果を常に意識・重視する能力,4.統計や行政事務に関する技術,5.調整や連携・協働に関する交渉力・関係構築力,6.主体的積極的な実践を生み出す精神力,7.波及的に獲得した技術・能力である。1~3の技術・能力は施策の必要性や内容を考える思考力という特徴があり,4~6の技術・能力は施策の考案や実現を可能にする手段的技術と実行力という特徴があると考えられた。 施策化に関わる技術・能力の獲得に影響を与えた経験の特徴として,Ⅰ.全ての技術・能力の獲得には「施策化全体のプロセスを一定の責任をもつ立場で実践する」という経験が最も影響を与える,Ⅱ.「目標や効果を常に意識・重視する能力」と「統計や行政事務に関する技術」の獲得には「他者からの助言・指導」が影響を与える,Ⅲ.「地域の実情を基に政策や社会の動向をおさえて施策を考える能力」と「長期的な視野で施策や活動の目指す姿を創造的に考える能力」「The purpose of the present study was to clarify of the characteristics of the program development skills and abilities acquired by mid-career municipal public health nurses and the characteristics of the experience that affected acquisition. Semi-structured interviews were conducted on 6 public health nurses with program development experience who had worked in municipal public health nursing for between 6 and 20 years. Collected data included the practical content of program development, advice and support from surrounding sources during the development process and the skills and abilities acquired through program development experience. The following acquired skills and abilities were identified: 1) the ability to think of the program based on the needs of residents from the perspective of policy and age, 2) the ability to establish future aims and programs, 3) the ability to be aware of and emphasize targets and the effects of the program, 4) skills regarding statistics or administrative tasks, 5) the ability to negotiate and build relationships in order to facilitate coordination, collaboration and cooperation, 6) Spiritual strength to independently produce positive practice, and 7) the secondary skills and ability to develop programs". The following characteristics of the experience were found to have affected the acquisition of the skills and abilities: "practicing the overall process of policy implementation from a position of fixed responsibility", "receiving advice and learning from others", "experiencing everyday public nursing activities", "having a sense of responsibility as a public health nurse", "being able to obtain support from surrounding sources", and "acquiring the previously described skills and abilities of program development". Actions taken by the mid-career public health nurses themselves to take advantage of opportunities, and decision by the organization and superiors were found to contribute to these experiences.
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