Relations between Root System and Tuber Yield in the Hybrid Population of the Potato Plants
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バレイショ交配分離集団(268系統)における根系と塊茎収量との関係を明らかにするため,地上部最大期(7月下旬)に部位別乾物重(葉,茎+ストロン,根および塊茎)ならびに形態的形質を,また収穫期には塊茎乾物収量とでんぷん価を調査した. 1. 各調査形質において分離集団内に大きな表現型変異が認められた. 形質間の関係をみると,根乾物重(根重)は葉重および茎重と,r=0.68およびr=0.80の高い正の相関関係を示し,根,葉および茎の大きさは相互に密接な関係を示すことが明らかとなった. 形態的形質のうち,根茎,茎長,分枝数はこれら部位別乾物重と正の相関関係を示し,一方根数は茎数および地上部最大期塊茎乾物重と密接に関係していた. また,葉,茎および根重の大きな系統では塊茎収量が高く,生育日数の長いことが認められた. 2. 分離集団を6つの熟性群に分類し,形質間の相関関係を検討した. 平均根重と平均生育日数および平均塊茎収量との間に,それぞれr=0.99およびr=0.95の非常に高い正の相関関係が認められた. 晩生群の系統は早生群の系統に比較し,根重が大きく,葉重に対する根重の割合が高く,そして塊茎収量が大となることが明らかとなった. 3. 同一熟性群内における形質間の関係をみると,熟期の等しい系統間に認められる塊茎収量の差異は,早生群では根重および葉重の差異と関係していた. しかし,晩生群では塊茎収量と根重および葉重との間に有意な相関関係が認められず,塊茎収量の差異は単位根重ならびに単位葉重当たりの乾物生産量の差異に起因するものと推察された.268 unselected clones derived from crosses between cultivars and breeding materials were grown under field conditions and the relationship between the root system and tuber yield was investigated. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. In the pooled hybrid populations, root dry weight (DW) and dry tuber yield (yield) ranged from 0.09 g/pl. to 5.68 g/pl. and from 106.1 g/pl. to 413.8 g/pl., respectively. Root DW had the highest correlation with stem DW (r = 0.80***) and leaf DW (r = 0.68***). The morphological characters which related positively with these DW were root diameter, stem lenght and number of branches, whereas the number of roots correlated with the number of stems and tuber DW at the maximum stage of top DW. Clones with larger root DW, stem DW and leaf DW tended to have longer growing period and higher yields. 2. When the clones were classified into the six maturity groups, simple correlation coefficients of mean growing period to root DW and to yield were very high, 0.99*** and 0.97**, respectively. The positive relation of root DW to yield among the different maturity clones appeared to result from the connection of root DW to growing period. 3. The differences of yield among the clones of the same maturity seemed to be related to those of root DW and leaf DW in the earlier maturity groups. However, in the later maturity groups the ratios of tuber yield to root DW and to leaf DW might be important.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1981-06-25
Isoda A
Chiba Univ.
Isoda Akihiro
Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Isoda A
Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Gotoh K
Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Nakaseko K
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
- Relations between Root System and Tuber Yield in the Hybrid Population of the Potato Plants
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