障がいをもつ子どもたちの衣生活 : 社会福祉法人西陣会タイムケア事業「うぃず」での調査にみる現状と課題
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"With", a time care project of the social welfare corporation Nishijin Association, supports after-school hours of high school and junior high school students who attend Kyoto City Kita-sogo School for Special Education. They are physically and mentally challenged. I realized there are various problems about their clothes through taking care of their dressing and undressing, excreting, and having meals. Then, I thought it important to improve their clothing environment. So, I used a questionnaire observations and hearing investigations to parents of 26 users of "With" on their clothing environment in November 2009. As a result, the following points were clarified about challenged children. i) They often have to wear clothes for seniors because there are few made for them, ii) as for commercially available diapers, baby ones are too small and adult ones are too big for them ; and iii) they often have trouble with putting on and taking off clothes even if the sizes fit them. It is also clarified that there are some cases that even children with autism and so on who have standard proportions and no physical problems have trouble with choosing and putting on and taking off their clothes. It is obvious that the problems about the clothing environment are ascribable to characteristics of each handicap or physical problem involved. However, we cannot predict difficulties in real life of children with disabilities only by classifying them into categories because each of them has different problems, and it is very difficult to comprehend their actual state only by a questionnaire investigation. To resolve these problems, it is important for people close to them to observe everything else in their life and consider the support tailored to each child.
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