Dry Matter Production of Sweet Potato in True Seed Planting Culture
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カンショの挿苗栽培に比較して種子まき栽培では低収である理由を明らかにするために, 交配親を異にする種子播き6集団と挿苗2品種における地上部と塊根の生長を調査した。種子播き集団間では収量が大きく異なり, 種子播き集団の一つは多収の挿苗品種に類似した収量を示した。供試材料間の収量の差異は8月下旬から10月中旬の期間の乾物生産量の差異に主として起因し, これは葉の効率, すなわち全乾物重の増加量/平均葉乾物重の差異の影響を強く受けた。さらに, 葉の効率は8月下旬における塊根重歩合 (塊根乾物重/全乾物重) の高い供試材料で高い傾向を示したことから, 8月下旬の塊根重歩合と収量との間に密接な相関関係が認められた。以上の結果から, 種子播き栽培の初期生長の促進を図る栽培法を用いた場合, 優れた種子播き集団では多収の挿苗品種に類似した収量が得られるものと推察した。さらに, 種子播き集団間では塊根のシンク能力に大きな差異があり, これが塊根肥大後期の葉の効率ならびに乾物生産, さらには収量を主として規制していることが示唆された。To clarify the reason of lower yield in true seed planting (TSP) culture than that of ordinary transplanting culture of stem cuttings, the top and storage root growrth were investigated among six populations in TSP culture and two cultivars in ordinary culture. There was a large variance in the yield among the TSP populations which differed in parental clones. Especially, one of the TSP populations showed a high yield similar to the high yielding cultivar. The difference in the dry matter production among the materials during the period from late August to middle October, which was major cause of the yield difference, was mainly affected from the difference in the leaf efficiency (total dry weight increase/mean leaf dry weight). Since its leaf efficiency tended to be higher in the materials with the higher storage root weight ratio (storage root dry weight/total dry weight) in the late August, a close correlation was observed between the storage root weight ratio in the late August and the yield among the materials. The present results indicated that, with the aid of some cultural practices used to improve early top growth in the TSP culture, we could expect as high a yield in the TSP culture as in the ordinary culture, by using an excellent TSP population. It was also suggested that there was a large difference in storage root sink potential among the TSP populations, and it mainly governed the leaf efficiency and dry matter production during later storage root bulking period and thus the yield.
- 1990-03-05
論文 | ランダム
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