Comparison of Root Systems among Hybrid Populations derived from Different Crosses in Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
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根系に関する交配親の特性と交配分離集団の特性との関係を明らかにするため,早生の男爵薯とトヨシロを母本,熟性の異なる3系統を花粉親とする交配より分離した6集団を供試し,地上部最大期(7月下旬)の根,葉および塊茎乾物重ならびに収穫期の塊茎乾物収量を調査した. 1. 根乾物重(根重)の大きな晩生系統を花粉親とする交配分離集団(CM集団)では早生系統を花粉親とする分離集団(AM集団およびBM集団)に比べ,根乾物重の集団内変異が大きく,また集団平均値が大であった. さらに,生育日数ならびに塊茎収量も大きかった. しかし,葉重には集団間に有意な差異が認められず,また地上部最大期の塊茎重は逆にCM集団で小さな値を示した. 2. 根重および葉重の大きな男爵薯を母本とする交配分離集団(DF集団)はトヨシロを母体とする分離集団(TF集団)に比べ,根重および葉重が大きかった. しかし,生育日数および塊茎収量には集団間に有意な差異が認められず,根重および葉重に対する塊茎収量の割合はTF集団の方がDF集団に比べ有意に高い値を示した. 3. 各々の集団内で,根重は葉重,生育日数および塊茎収量と有意な正の相関関係を示した. 以上の結果より,根重の大きさは熟性に関係する遺伝子の多面発現による影響を受けるものと推察された. 塊茎収量は生育日数と密接に関係しており,晩生系統を交配親に用いた分離集団では,根重が大きく晩性で高収の系統の頻度が高まるといえる. また,同一熟性の交配親間に認められる根重の差異も分離集団に遺伝することが明らかとなり,トヨシロのように野生種に由来する系統を交配親とする分離集団では,根重に対する塊茎収量の割合が高まることが示唆された.Root dry weight (DW) and its relations with other characters were investigated among six hybrid populations derived from the crosses with two main early cultivars as female parent and three breeding materials, two early and one very late, as male parent (Table 1 & Table 2). Results obtained are summarized as follows: The populations from the crosses with the late maturity male parent with larger root DW had a wider range of variation and significantly larger values in root DW, growing period and yield than those with the early maturity male parents, although tuber DW at the early stage was smaller in the populations with the late maturity parent (Fig. 1 & Table 3). The populations from the crosses with Toyoshiro as female parent with smaller root DW and leaf DW also had a smaller root DW and leaf DW than those from Danshakuimo as female parent. The growing period and yield to root DW and leaf DW were significantly higher in the populations from the crosses with Toyoshiro as female parents (Table 4). In each populations, root DW showed significantly positive correlations with leaf DW, growing period and yield (Table 5 & Fig. 2). Larger root DW resulting in higher yield should therefore be obtained more effectively from the populations derived from the crosses with the late maturity parent than from those with the early ones. A higher ratio of yield to root DW might also be effected, using Toyoshiro derived from the backcross population of S. tuberosum to a wild race.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 1981-09-25
日本作物学会 | 論文
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