与那演習林内に於けるオキナハシイ (Castanopsis lutchuensis Nakai) 幹材々積表
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1) It seems to be better to use Mr. Yamamoto's volume formula for Okinawan broad leaved trees stand, because a) the variance in his volume table is smaller than in Mr. Terazaki and Mr. Kopetzky's volume table; b) in the comparison of the total volume calculated by using the stem analysis mathod and the total volumes caluculated by using the volume tables 6 and 7 the error was the least when the total volume was calculated by using Mr. Yamamoto's volume table. c) the error was little but the variance was pretty great when the total volume was calculated by using Mr. Kopetzky's volume formula, therefore, it is recommended that his formula should be used only for reference. 2) The rate of growth in volume in an experimental plantation is generally favorable, but not the growth in length trees have. the tendency to taper off. a) in table 6, the volume in the upper column is greater than that in the lower column which means the growth in volume is favorable. b) in each column of the diameter in table 6, the difference between the volumes in the upper and the lower column is getting smaller in proportion to their volume, as the trees grow in length; which seems to mean that the tree tapers off. In the above study 2), I have not discussed about the growth of trees in their width and length in Okinawas, but have compared the volume table I have made up that of the Kumamoto Forestry Bureau.
- 琉球大学農家政学部の論文