Fundamental Heating Characteristics of an RF Hyperthermic System Using a Rectangular Resonant Cavity Applicator for Deep-Seated Tumors
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Many heat applicators for hyperthermia have been developed ; however, in treatment of noninvasive cancer they can heat only the body surface. At present, it is difficult to selectively heat deep-seated tumors. It is desirable to develop an applicator with the potential for heating a limited region, but achieving this objective is impossible with present technology. Therefore, our goal is to develop an applicator that can uniformly heat to deep regions of the human body. In this paper, we describe fundamental heating characteristics of an RF hyperthermic system using a rectangular resonant cavity applicator for deep-seated tumors. First, electromagnetic and heat-transfer equations were solved to investigate fundamental heating characteristics of the resonant cavity applicator. In the experiments, a torso-shaped dielectric phantom, which has electrical constants close to human muscle, was used. In comparisons of the measured and calculated results, the tendencies of both heat distributions were in accordance. These results indicated the possibility of heating deep regions ; thus, this applicator has the potential to heat deep-seated tumors.多くの癌温熱治療用加温装置が開発されている. しかしながら,非侵襲な癌温熱治療用加温装置は,人体表面近傍のみの加温が可能である. 現状では,RF波を用いて深部に位置する癌を選択的に加温することは不可能である. 局部加温の可能性を持つ装置を開発することが望ましいが,この目標を達成することは,現状の技術では不可能である. それゆえ,我々は,人体深部までを一様に加温する装置を開発することを目標とした. この論文では,立体空洞共振器をもしいた深部癌温熱治療用RFシステムの基礎的な加温特性について述べる. 初めに,基本加温特性を調べるためにMaxwellの方程式と熱伝導―熱伝達方程式を解いた. 次に, 人体筋肉の電気特性を模した誘電体ファントムを使用し,加温実験を行った. 実験結果と計算結果を比較したところ,深部加温できる傾向は一致した. すなわち,深部癌温熱治療用加温装置としての可能性を持つことが分かった.
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