家庭混合生ゴミコンポストの好適酒造米 "山田錦"栽培元肥の適性--家庭混合生ゴミの酒米山田錦栽培元肥への適性
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[Synopsis] For this purpose, we evaluated, in the trade-cultivation scal, the growth and yield of and earning from rice for sake-brewery cultivated by the manure cultivation method using organic-wastes compost (YUKI-HYAKUBAI) and compound composuto (raw dusts + newspaper + rice-hulls), which hasrecently attracted attention at farms cultivating rice for sake-brewery, or by the conventional fertilizer cultivation method using chemical fertilizers. These results were considered as basic date on trade cultivation of rice for sake-brewing using only organic manure in the future. The compound compost manuring areas had the following advantages. 1) Thickening of the culm of rice plants was promoted, and the lodging resistance was high 2) Since the manure is long-lasting, the growth of rice plants was stable and strengthened during the entire period from tillering, through ear formation, to ripening. 3) Preventive effects on disease and insect pest were observed. In addition, preventive effects on autumn decline were obserrrved, and seed secting and substantiality per ear and per strain were promoted, resulting in an increase in yield and the quality of rice for sake-brewing.
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