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[Synopsis] With regard to recycling and reduction of wastes, Kuriyama Town has been enforced the following based on its flowchart of waste disposal: 1. Reduction of wastes by 4R, 2. Promotion of making compost from kitchen garbage, 3. Thorough separation of wastes according to type, 4. Charge for house garbage collection. The flowchart also requires it to construct: 1. Intermediate treatment facilities, which make compost from garbage and dirty mud in sewerage, 2. Final treatment centers. Kuriyama Town, which aims at a recycling society, enforced further separation of wastes according to type, compost production from garbage aiming at effective use of organic matter in wastes, and charge for house garbage collection according to the flowchart of waste disposal in 2004. This time, we would like to report on the progress of the final treatment center from its start in 2003 to the completion in 2004, which is still in short supply in spite of the measures above. This center adopted the closed system which covers reclaimed ground with a roof by getting consent to it from the local population. Since this system is economical and easy to manage for less waste scatter, fewer bad smell, less damage by crows and harmful insects, and its ability to control leaking water, we thought we could construct an environment-friendly final treatment center adapted to this age. We would also add that intermediate treatment facilities would be necessary for the further recycling society hereafter.
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