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[Synopsis] This research examined hyaluronidase(HYAL) inhibitory effect and superoxide dismutase(SOD)-like effect observed to the rhubarb leafstalk. Recentry, natural products, more little side effects, have garnered much intrest. Medicinal plants have valuable biological activities in human bodies, and the plants are exploited as functional foods, cosmetics and pharmaceutical agents. This study was performed with leafstalk of Rheum undulatum and R. rhaponticum. The HYAL inhibition is involved in human skin aging and anti-inflammation, and SOD-like activity was evaluated for antioxidants in the human body. There were HYAL inhibitory effect and SOD-like effect in 50%EtOH extract of the rhubarb leafstalk. This alcohol extract was fractionated, and finally we obtained 10 fractions. Anthraquinones such as emodin, aloe-emodin, chrysophanol, physcion, rhein and sennoside A, B were detected in these 10 fractions. Anthraquinones and 10 fractions were used for the HYAL inhibitory test and SOD-like test. As the result, it was suggested that rhein and sennoside A were closely related to the HYAL inhibitory effect. However, there were no anthraquinones which showed the strong for SOD-like effect.
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