「まだない」ものに向き合う社会科学 : ポシビリズムと希望学の対話
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In general, neoliberal social sciences lay stress on one’s own individualresponsibility, rather than on social responsibility, in the case of dealingwith the social problems of poverty, unemployment, and inequality.Orthodox economics especially does so because the ideas of homoeconomicusand a self-regulating market are central tenets of the discipline.Neoliberal social scientists can afford to observe the social realities ofpoverty, inequality and so on with great equanimity.Some methodological problems of neoliberalism can be found in itstendency to view the social universe as predictable. In order to overcomethese problems, we need to reintroduce uncertainty and open-mindednessinto social thought and widen the limits of what is possible or is perceivedto be possible at the cost of lowering our ability to discern the probable orto make predictions. A dialogue between Hirschman’s possibilism and thesocial sciences of hope would appear to be very useful in making thischallenge.
- 2011-03-10
論文 | ランダム
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