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《马关条约》签订以后,台湾各阶层反响强烈,掀起抗日保台的斗争,由于早期积累了国际交往经验,陈季同实时地提出并谋划了台湾民主国策略,以割台违背台民意志为根据,利用国际法为工具,进行了保台的努力。虽然由于当时各方面条件限制,策略并未能够成功,但毕竟演绎了一场用近现代手段自我保护的先觉之举。 After the Treaty of Shimonoseki was concluded, the repercussions among various social strata in Taiwan were intense. It caused opposition to Japan and triggered Taiwan's social movements. Accumulating international contact experience from an early stage, Chen Jitong played an important role in the movements. Immediately after the above treaty Chen proposed and planned the Taiwan democracy strategy. In various actions of the Maintaining Taiwan movement the Taiwan democracy strategy was one of the important parts and the first rational struggle in which the Chinese military and public used modern methods. But until now there has been little research on this aspect. This article points out Chen Jitong's background and the Taiwan democracy strategy's details. Part 1 describes Chen Jitong's early life and his international contact experience while he was studying and working in Europe. Part 2 describes the Taiwan democracy strategy's details. Coming back to China from Europe, Chen Jitong faced Taiwan's crisis. He made an active effort to propose and plan the Taiwan democracy strategy on the grounds of the Taiwanese people's will and by using international law as a tool. The conclusion describes the result of the attempt to establish Taiwan's democracy. Because of the restriction of various elements, the strategy was not successful. But it can be said that Chen Jitong's attempt was the first case of protecting oneself with modern methods.
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