転倒・転落に伴うインシデント事例の検討と対策 --発生構造に基づいた分類法を用いて--
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当院における転倒防止対策推進のため、平成16~21年度の転倒・転落のインシデントレポートのうち、影響度レベル分類3b以上の29例を川村による発生構造に基づいた分類(1~4群)を用い検討した。看護師介助中および観察下の転倒(1群)は3例で、26例は自力行動中の転倒・転落だった。内訳は、判断力が保たれている患者の排泄行動での転倒(2群)が4例で、対策は患者が自分で動くことを予想した環境整備である。判断力が保たれている患者の排泄以外の行動での転倒(3群)は11例で、原因となった院内環境の整備が対策となる。判断力が障害された患者の転倒・転落(4群)は11例で、対策は離床センサー、低いベッドの使用が考えられた。以上から転倒による重傷事例を防ぐには、看護師非介入下の事例が多い事から、自分で動き出す事を予想した環境整備と、更に治療やその過程での全身的な変化の理解が必要で、チーム医療として取り組む必要がある。To promote fall-prevention programs for hospital inpatients, fall incidents at Akita University Hospital were evaluated. We analyzed 29 falls which were reported at severe level incidents leading to permanent reduction in bodily functioning, e. g., increased length of stay; surgical intervention, leading to a major loss of function and leading to death. The incidents occurred during a 5-year period between 2004 and 2009. The 29 fall were divided into four groups according to a previous report (classification system based on situational criteria). Three falls occurred while under assistance or staff watch (Group 1). Twenty-six falls occurred when patients used their own discretion. For falls occurred near or in the washroom (Group 2), and 11 falls occurred during actions other than evacuation (Group 3). There were 11 inpatient falls by patients who could not exercise proper judgment (Group 4). Modification of the hospital room environment may be necessary to prevent Group 2 and Group 3 fall incidents. Moreover, sensors indicating when patients are leaving their beds as well as lower beds may be useful for fall-prevention in Group 4. In conclusion, not only environmental modifications in relation to unassisted patient movement but also sufficient assessment for physical as well as psychological change during hospitalization is necessary to prevent more severe falls. Further, the specialist team including nurses need to deal with fall prevention programs, and in order to reduce the number of fall incidents.
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