シオランの自殺念慮と自己受容 : 無用性から無名の宗教性へ
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This paper examines how Emil Cioran (1911-1995) conceived self-acceptance in severe suicidal ideation and depression. Cioran, who was exiled from Romania to France and wrote aphorisms and essays in French, had certain ecstatic experiences which he regarded as religious. His ecstasies were, however, followed with depressive affects, which discouraged his faith in God. Although Cioran wished all his life to have faith, he was not able to avoid mental depression and felt guilt in being itself. Moreover he had suicidal ideation from his early age. When he attempted suicide in 1966, he realized unreality, which he later transposed to emptiness of Buddhism. After this experience, he had accepted gradually world and himself. It could be also regarded to a recovery process from suicide attempt and suicidal ideation. This paper analyzes the relationship of unreality and emptiness in Cioran's thought by examining his discourse concerning suicidal ideation. That is, the question of how Cioran felt about unreality is addressed. The paper then proceeds to shed light on relationship of suicidal ideation and self-acceptance. In doing so, this paper offers clues that could be of importance when we think about possibility of suicide prevention.
- 2011-03-15
論文 | ランダム
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