Measurement Method for Hydroxylated Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Blood of Yusho Patients by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry
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Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) are formed as major metabolites of PCBs by cytochrome P450 enzyme-mediated oxidation. It has been reported that their total concentration in serum samples of Yusho patients ranged from 390 to 1300 pg/g. We developed a measurement method for OH-PCBs in blood samples by LC/MS/MS. This method is effective at determining the concentrations of PCDDs, PCDFs, Co-PCBs and OH-PCBs from the same sample without special treatment of the sample. The concentration of OH-PCBs in the blood of Yusho patients was examined using this method. The major OH-PCB metabolites were 4-OH-CB187 (54-906 pg/g-wet), 4-OH-CB146 + 3-OH-CB153 (32-527 pg/g-wet), 4-OH-CB109 (ND-229 pg/g-wet) and 4'-OH-CB172 (ND-143 pg/g-wet). The total OH-PCBs ranged from 95 to 1740 pg/g-wet.水酸化ポリ塩化ビフェニル(OH-PCBs)は,人体内におけるPCB の主要代謝物である.OH-PCBs は体内でチトクロームP450 酵素誘導によりPCB から生成され,油症認定患者の血清から390-1300pg/g の濃度で検出された報告がある.OH-PCBs の測定法に関し,従来の分析法では複雑な前処理を必要としていたが,測定装置にLC/MS/MS を用いることで,前処理の簡略化を達成した.本法の利点は,従来から測定を行っているダイオキシン類分析用の血液試料から,OH-PCBs を分離することで,OH-PCBs の分析のために新たに血液試料を確保する必要が無いことである.油症認定患者の血液を用いて,本法に基づいて分析した結果,主要なPCB の代謝物は,4-OH-CB187(54-906 pg/g-wet),4-OH-CB146 + 3-OH-CB153(32-527 pg/g-wet),4-OH-CB109(ND-229 pg/g-wet),4'-OH-CB172(ND-143 pg/g-wet)であり,その合計は95-1740 pg/g-wet であった.
- 2011-04-25
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