浄瑠璃における会話文について : 引用形式、感動詞に着目して
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Works under the same theme as performing arts like Ko-joruri, Joruri and Kabuki that were developed during the Edo period exist. These works are divided accordingly to the art genres which lead to the changes in the expression of language. In this study, a comparison on the Conversational phrases interjection and quotation marks between Ko-joruri, Joruri and Kabuki is carried out and how the language expression changed has been analyzed. From the result, quotation marks in Joruri are varies than that of the Ko-joruri. Yet, because of its unnecessary in Kabuki, there was a big declination on the quotation marks. In terms of interjection, it shows that there’s an increase in the following order of Ko-joruri, Joruri and Kabuki.
論文 | ランダム
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