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本研究の目的は,平成22年度より公立小学校で実施される「外国語活動」を指導できる教員を養成するために,大学が提供すべきことは何かを考えるための基礎調査である。現在,「外国語活動」の指導は学級担任に任せられている。よって,「外国語活動」指導に必要な知識と技術力を有する小学校教員の育成は教員養成課程の必須課題となっている。本稿では,小学校教員養成課程に所属する学生が将来「外国語活動」を十分に指導できるよう,小学校英語1に初めて触れる「総合的な学習の時間(小学校英語入門)」という半期科目に焦点を当て,履修前後の受講者の小学校英語についての知識,および不安感の変化を調査した。The purpose of this study is to conduct a basic survey in order to find out what universities which have teacher-training courses could offer for prospective elementary school teachers to teach Foreign Language Activities. Currently, the Foreign Language Activities lessons are mainly taught by homeroom teachers. Therefore, one of the crucial goals for the teacher-training courses of universities is to help prospective teachers to possess the knowledge and skills necessary for carrying out these lessons. In this paper, students who belong to the elementary school teacher-training course at the Faculty of Education at Chiba University and took a course, "Period for Integrated Study (Introduction for English for Elementary School Students)" were asked about their knowledge and anxiety of English for Elementary School Students at the beginning and at the end of the course and the results were compared.
論文 | ランダム
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