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近年,不登校問題は,ニートなどの社会的コストにつながる問題であることが指摘されており,将来の自立を目標とした不登校への対応が,学校臨床における最重要課題の1つとなっている。最近では,従来の不登校に加え,深い心理的葛藤を抱えない様々なタイプの不登校像が現れており,その支援のあり方を検討することは重要と言えよう。本論文では,葛藤を1つの鍵概念として,多様な要因や背景をもつ不登校生徒に対する,自立を目標とした支援のあり方を検討することを目的とする。第1に,不登校問題の歴史を振り返り,多様化する現代の不登校の要因や背景について整理する。第2に,様々な不登校生徒像を6つのタイプ別にまとめ,葛藤を鍵概念として,それぞれの対応のあり方を検討する。最後に,自立を目標とした不登校支援のポイントをまとめる。Nonattendance at school is currently considered as a problem that may increase social cost, such as NEET, infuture. Therefore, working on this problem with a goal to help nonattendance students to be independent in futureis one of the important themes at school. Addition to the traditional type of nonattendance students, there aredifferent types of nonattendance, such that students may not have any conflict by not going to school. Consideringhow to approach such cases would be important. The purpose of this paper was to discuss, using "conflict" as akey concept, how to help nonattendance students with various factors and backgrounds to deal with their problemswith a goal of being independent in future. First, the history of problem about nonattendance at school, andvarious factors and backgrounds of the problem were examined. Second, a variety of nonattendance studentswere integrated into 6 types, and different approach for each type was considered using "conflict" as a key concept. Finally, the important factors to help nonattendance students to contend with their problems with a futuregoal of independence were discussed.
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