<Original Papers> 大学生の「意欲」に関する研究(3)--基本的学習観と自己像との関連で
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[要旨] 研究1では125名の大学生を対象に, 大学生における意欲について, 学習観と自己像との関連で検討した. 意欲と学習観のあり方の査定は質問紙法により, 「領域別意欲低下」尺度と「基本的学習観」尺度が用いられ, 自己像の査定には, 形容詞対を用いたSD法の回答に基づき作成された「強靭性」「内向性」「実直性」「親和性」「率直性」の4つの下位尺度で構成された「自己像尺度」が用いられた. 相関分析の結果「授業」「学業」「大学」の各領域における意欲低下が大きい(小さい)被検者ほど「失敗に対する柔軟性」「思考過程の重視」「方略志向」「意味理解志向」の4つの「基本的学習観」のすべてにおいてネガティヴ(ポジティヴ)であることが見出されたが, 重回帰分析により, 「授業」と「大学」における意欲のあり方に影響を及ぼす要因は「失敗に対する柔軟性」のみで, 「学業」における意欲は4つの「基本的学習観」すべてから影響を受け, 影響度は「意味理解志向」が最も大きく, これに「思考過程の重視」「失敗に対する柔軟性」「方略志向」の各因子が続くことが示唆された. 自己像の意欲に対する影響については, 相関分析では, 「授業」と「学業」における意欲低下が大きい(小さい)被検者ほど「強靭性」と「実直性」が弱い(強い)という自己像を抱いているが, 「大学」における意欲低下の大きい(小さい)被検者の自己像では, 「強靭性」と「実直性」の弱さ(強さ)に加え, 「親和性」とその時々の感情を直に表出しやすい「率直性」の双方の傾向の弱さ(強さ)と「内向性」の強さ(弱さ)が見出された. 重回帰分析により, 「授業」における 意欲に対する影響力は「実直性」に限られ, 「大学」では「実直性」に次いで「内向性」の影響が大きく, 「学業」では「強靭性」とそれに次ぐ「実直性」が意欲に影響を及ぼしているが, 「内向性」も「大学」とは反対に「学業」における意欲を高める方向で作用していることが示唆された. 研究2では筆者の先行研究の標本が再分析され, 「領域別意欲低下」に対する諸要因の影響に関する総合的な考察の後に意欲そのものについて教育との関連で論議がなされた. [Abstract] The present study was the author's third attempt to investigate the nature of motivation of university students in the different three areas (‘lecture’, ‘study’ and ‘total university life’) in relation to Fundamental Concepts of Learning and Self Image. Procedure: to assess the motivation was employed Shimoyama's Passivity Area Scale (PAS) which was supposed to give the light to our theme in the back side, that is, in terms of the disinclination or the enervation. For measuring Fundamental Concepts of Learning Ichikawa's Fundamental Concepts of Learning Questionnaire by Self Estimation (FCL) was used and for Self Image Self Image Scale (SIS) was employed, which was composed of 47 pairs of adjectives which had opposite meaning, developed as Self-Differential by Ngashima, Fujiwara, Harano, Saito and Hori. Three materials were administered to 125 students. Results: multiple regression analysis was employed to examine the responses. The main findings were as follows:(1) the motivation in ‘lecture’ and ‘total university life’was influenced by only one factor, “Positive Attitude toward Failure(AF)”, a sub-scale of FCL, and the subjects with higher score in AF showed lower enervation(lower scores in PAS) in ‘lecture’ and ‘total university life’. On the other hand the motivation in ‘study’ was influenced by all of the four sub-scales of FCL(AF, Preference to Seeking Meaning (PM), Preference to Thinking Process(PT), Preference to Employing Strategy (PS)). PM had the strongest influence on the motivation in ‘study’, followed by PT, PS and AF and the subjects who showed positive in these scales got less points in PAS. (2)In relation to Self Image the motivation in ‘lecture’ was only affected by “Industry” of SIS, and the subjects with lower scores in it showed more enervation in ‘lecture’. In ‘total university life’ where “Industry” also have the strongest effect on the motivation followed by “Introversion” the subject who were more industrious and less introversive more enjoyed university life. In ‘study’ where the factor that had the strongest influence on the motivation was “Strength”, followed by “Industry” and “Introversion” the subjects with higher scores in these three scales got less scores in PAS. The result showed that the role “Introversion” took in ‘study’ was interestingly completely opposite to that in ‘total universitylife’.
論文 | ランダム
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