社会主義国の体制移行に伴う教育変容 : ベトナムと中国を中心に
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The transition of social systems such as from a centrally planned economy to a marketeconomy has been taking place in Socialist countries since the late 1980s.This transitionhas also changed the system of education in those countries. This paper explores how thesystems of education have changed and whether they are all proceeding in similar waysespecially in Vietnam, China and Russia by highlighting changes in goals, teaching content,education financing and the relationship between schools and the Communist Party . Thesethree are selected as they are typical countries in transition and because Vietnam and Chinaseem to have experienced the same transition but Russia did not. The comparative analysisin this paper makes it clear that the different process of transition has made a variety tochanges in education but it does not necessarily determine the method and the magnitudeof these changes. This conclusion suggests first that some aspects of the education systemare relevant to economic policy while some are independent ; second that progress canproduce variations in educational system that are unrelated to changing economic systems.
- 2011-04-25
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