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The present study aims to examine the function of “ibasho ” (existential place) foradolescents and considers of the relation between that and an important task duringadolescence: “Identity Formation.” In “ibasho ,” it is considered that an individual’s feelingof“ continuity of being” gained through empathy from others is the important aspect of selfformation, deeply related with “a sense of identity,” especially “self-sameness, continuity”and“interpersonal identity.” Moreover, from the viewpoint of a repair of narcissism, it couldbe considered that an increase of motivation toward activities connects with a sense of“self- identity.” Whereas because “ibasho ” has the characteristic to be a shelter for thosewho have failed to adapt to sociability, the formation of “psychosocial identity” included in“a sense of identity” is not necessarily preceded. In conclusion, future research topics arepresented.
- 2011-04-25
論文 | ランダム
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