意味から享楽へのシニフィアン理論の変遷 : Lacan におけるエディプス・コンプレックス論をもとに
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This paper considers the transition in Lacan’s theory of signifier from meaning tojouissance in his consideration of the Oedipus complex. At first, Lacan reconceptualizedthe Saussurian concept of signifier in his own manner, in which the nature of signifier wasrelated to the Freudian phallus, which played the crucial role in the Oedipus complex. Later,Lacan clearly distinguishes the Oedipus complex from castration, which led to considerationof the origin of signifier in relation to jouissance. This introduced an entirely newrelationship between the Symbolic and the Real, and the essential ambiguity of signifier isthen doubled. -On the one hand, it stems from the gap in meaning, that is, between signifierand signified, and on the other, the gap in speaking itself, that is, between signifier andjouissance. From these consequences, two clinical concepts are reconsidered: interpretationand transference. Moreover, this primitive mode of language in subject is termed lalangue,and this concept evidently shows Lacan’s rejection of all other linguistics.
- 2011-04-25
論文 | ランダム
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