劣等感とその補償について : 質問紙とTATを用いた調査より
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Individuals sometimes have an inferiority feeling in human relationships and compensativeaction often accompanies inferiority feelings. In Study Ⅰ , an Inferiority Feeling Scale wasdeveloped, and reliability and validity were established. The 272 subjects were dividedinto high (n=90), middle (n=92), and low (n=90) groups by score. From the relation with“Individual and Social PN Orientedness Scale,”a strong inferiority feeling was related to theinternal and interpersonal maladjustments, the lack of one implied egoism. Moreover, theauthor composed“A Scale of Inferiority Response Characteristics,”and a factor analysisrevealed 5 factors: effort orientation, defensive reaction, substitute behavior, resistanceto display inferiority feelings, and denial of inferiority feelings. Subjects with stronginferiority feelings were more defensive and adopted less substitute behavior than thosewithout inferiority feelings. In StudyⅡ, research using Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)suggested that high-score inferior feeling group(n=10) tended to assume internal strugglesas a cause of negative self-image, to compensate for inferiority with imagination, and to bemore dependent. In conclusion, individualization is no less important than socialization in thestudy of inferiority feelings and the characteristics of response to inferiority feelings differsbetween subjects who have a strong inferiority feeling and those who don’t .
- 2011-04-25
論文 | ランダム
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