心理臨床場面において生起するセラピストの ヴィジョンに関する一考察
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This study aims to examine what "visions" of therapists arise in the process ofpsychotherapy, and what clinical meanings it has, by presenting useful examples ofclinical cases. The clinical importance of these "visions" has been studied by C.G. Jung,but it has not been actively examined until now. When do they arise in the process ofclinical psychotherapy? They arrive the moment the dialectic movement between ego andunconscious arises and the clinical inner pressures reach their peak. At the same time,therapists experience the symbolic visions that transcend ambivalence and die symbolically.In consideration of this description, it can be seen that therapists can change dramaticallyby developing and accepting their own "visions", without disregarding the vision asmeaningless or as a pathological element. "Visions" of therapists can be in deep relationto the transcendental function of the conception Jung detailed. It arises from somethingbetween opposite feelings, torn by the inner movements of confrontation. The clinicalmeaning of the "visions" of therapists is to help understand the internal world of clients and to keep these clients.
- 2011-04-25
論文 | ランダム
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