学校給食における加工・冷凍食品納入業者の存立構造 : 北海道を事例として
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This paper's aim is to clarify the subsistence structure of processed and frozen food venders for school meals. The conclusions are as follows: 1) Processed and frozen foods are used for school meals all year round including the period when local products are in season. 2) The venders sell processed and frozen foods not only to school but also to restaurants and retailers.The prices at which venders sell school meals is decided by tender, and the terms of validity vary from one month to one year. The procurement price from factories fluctuates in line with raw product yields and the exchange rate, and venders take on the risks of such price fluctuation. The approximate volume of orders from schools is decided at the time of tender and the volume is fixed one week before delivery. The factories, however, need to put raw materials into production before they can receive a definite order, so the venders must order an estimated volume from factories. Thus the processed and frozen food venders subsist by taking on the risks of price and volume fluctuations between the school meals and factories.
- 2011-03-31
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