施設園芸産地における土地利用型農業の担い手形成とその特質 : 知内町を事例に
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This paper aim to clarify the characteristics of prospective farmers of the land-extensive farming newlyin facility horticultural -farming regions , using the example of shiriuchi town in Oshima sub-prefecture , Hokkaido. In terms of enabling facility horticultural farming regions to make the kind of progress seen in the caseof Shiriuchi town,important issues are the appropriate and preservation of farmland ,and the reform of landextensivefarming. In order to address these issues , such initiatives as making initiatives groups,including farm contractorsand operation consortiums , have been taken mainly by young farmers to preserve all their respectivefarmland. These groups encompass whole towns, bringing villages and parishes together . At the present time, these groups are being supported by national, prefectural, town, and cooperativeagricultural organizations, so that prospective-farmers groups form and develop. prospective farmers' groups.
- 2011-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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