Dynamic mathematical modeling of cell-fractone interactions
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MI: Global COE Program Education-and-Research Hub for Mathematics-for-IndustryグローバルCOEプログラム「マス・フォア・インダストリ教育研究拠点」Within the last 20 years, new biological structures called fractones, named in honor of the late Dr. Benoit Mandelbrot due to their fractal-like appearance, have been discovered by cell biologists. Their primary purposes are theorized to pertain to the major processes of the life cycle of cells, namely cell division, migration, and differentiation. Building on the back of the discretized diffusion equations, we built a mathematical model of how these fractones interact with the cells and the associated growth factors produced in order to gain insight into the growth process as a whole. As it is shown in this paper, the complexity of this biological process opens the door to entirely new questions in the field of control theory.
- 2011-04-04
論文 | ランダム
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