- 論文の詳細を見る
In the new Course of study, the implementation of child's active observation and experiment is called for more than ever. This research was conducted for the purpose of clarifying the subject on the educational guidance of the elementary school science through the comparative analysis of the old textbooks and the new ones. The followings became clear as the result;1) the number of observation items(47 items) of the new textbooks was about 2.2times as many as the old ones;2) about 80 percent of the 47 items was listed in the middle class textbooks;3) about 70 percent of the 47 items was included in the "life" domain;4) the observation on both the "energy" and the "particle" domains was not listed at all in the new textbooks;5) the number of experiment items (71 items) of the new textbooks was about 1.5 times as many as that of the old ones;6) the number of experiment items of the "energy" domain in the 3rd grade was rapidly increasing;7) the experiment of all four domains was listed for the first time in the 5th grade. The result suggests that the science educational guidance for the 3rd grade, shere science education actually starts, become more important than ever, and it is necessary for the teacher to recognize properly the differences in the subject objective between home economics and science.
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