前期中世(西暦0.6-1.0千年)の気温変動と世界史 : 完新世の人類学 (13)
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The temperature-culture change parallelism during the period 0.6-1.0k A.D., of which description is the purpose of this paper, is summarized as (1) the 610 A.D. warming and succeeding microhypsithermal improved the middle and high latitudinal agriculture and economy and increased polarward migration, though desiccation in the low and middle latitudinal dry zones damaged the regional development, especially in the Fertile Crescent, resulting in the Islam expansion, (2) the 740 A.D. cooling and following microhypothermal mildly disordered the middle and high latitudinal societies, augmenting equatorward migration, but disdesiccation in the Fertile Crescent led the Islam empire to the zenith, (3) the 800 A.D. warming and subsequent microhypsithermal revived the middle and high latitudinal development, while nominalizing the droughty Islam empire, and (4) the 900 A.D. cooling, having started the medieval hypothermal, disordered the middle-high latitudinal cultures, and caused semiglobal changes in the low-middle latitudinal areas which the temperature oscillation would have affected minimally, if the equatorward migrants from the polarwardly adjoining areas had not increased, but the low-middle latitudinal dry zones experienced favorable disdesiccation, the trans-Sahara trade prosperity being the typical example. In the terminal paragraphs are outlined the construction and deterioration of the Japanese kingdom (18.7), the inseparable premodern complex of small population, militarism and discrimination (18.8), and the Subboreal palaeotemperature (18.9).本論の目的は前稿(佐々木,2010)に続く 4 百年間の気温変動と世界史の相関的記述にある。当期は全体的には高温期だったが,8c. 後半は軽度の低温期,10c. は中世低温の開始期だった。やや詳しく述べると冒頭の約10年間に先行期末の低温が続いた後に (i) 急激な温暖化があり,弱い寒冷化傾向はあったが,先行期にはなかった本格的高温が続いた。(ii) 740 年代の寒冷化で軽度の低温が出現したが,(iii) 800年頃の温暖化で本格的な高温が戻った。8c. 後半の低温が軽度で,長く続かなかったので,ここまでは巨視的には高温期だったが,(iv) 900 年頃の寒冷化が中世低温期を開始させた。本論の末尾では日本列島の状況 (18.7),前近代人口の小規模性と好戦主義,差別 (18.8),Subboreal期の気温変動 (18.9) を論じる。
- 2011-03-15
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