パスポート・レジームからみる国際秩序と世界秩序の連動 : 所有的個人主義、文化、そしてアイデンティティの確保
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In this paper, the relationship between the International Order and the World Order through passports is explained. It is based on the perspective that the international society is consisted not only from above but also from below. It is also reassessed in the paper that Hedley Bull focused on "order", in stark contrast to recent scholars of English School who mainly elaborate "society", not "order" at all. His analysis of order through protection of "life", "contracts" and "stability of possession", can be interpreted as maintenance of biopower for each nation. Alexander Wendt named it the "Lockean culture". However, he never explained the meaning of the term. The word of culture should be explained, rather than the tool for explanation. In the paper, therefore, it is tried to link "possessive individualism" as a deep structure to "passport" as a device to identify individuals in order to maintain both the international and world orders. Some states permit free international movement of individuals, others do not. Some nations are welcomed from other states, other nations are not. John Torpey rightly pointed out that passports were the tool for "the monopolization of the legitimate means of movement by modern states and state system". However, sovereign states with its "absolute power" cooperate with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to strengthen the e-passport regime, only to (re)produce complex differentiation for hierarchy. EU also cooperates with ICAO to manage population through e-passports. The e-passports are, therefore, the tough dispositif with high performance for securitization of identity-cum-possessive individualism inside and outside the state's border. These international orders supported by passports cover not so much entire population on earth as targeted, governable, and specific people. Finally, I suggest that the multiple examinations between passports, birth certificates and liberalism as a further research topic are necessary in order to understand the international and world order complexes.
- 2011-03-03