削除された歴史 : エジプト農地改革における地主議員
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This paper aims to uncover the hidden realities of the land reform law of 1952, through which the Nasser administration attempted to restrict the private ownership of land, and thereby curtail the source of wealth and power for the major land owners, who controlled the Egyptian economy and politics during the monarchy period.// Much of the essential documentation on this land reform law were expurgated from official publications, and the names of the major land owners that were subject to this law have not even been made public until now.// I obtained primary sources that contain the names of the owners and information on their land holdings (the degree of retention, inheritances, and sales), and created a database of them. Analysis of this database leads to the following conclusions.// Most of the major land owners compiled with the maximum ownership limit of 200-300 feddan per person. However, while this substantially decreased their share of land, by selling off land to their children and relatives, and by letting them inherit as much as possible, the owners prevented their land from being taken from their households. Thus, the pre-existing political structure was maintained and passed on to the next era.// Focusing on the prominent families, which had repeatedly occupied parliamentary seats before the revolution, more distinctive trends were revealed. The extent of land retention and inheritance were relatively high among Coptic families and families of Arab Bedouin descent. This was especially true in Sharqiya, Beheira, and middle Egypt, where the Arab Bedouin had settled by the beginning of 19th century. It was in these areas that large-scale land own.// We can most likely attribute these trends to the minority status of the Copts in Egyptian society, and to the tribalism of Bedouin descended families.
- 2011-03-28
論文 | ランダム
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