初期イスラーム神学ムゥタズィラ派研究2 : 『ウラマー・イェ・イスラーム』の写本蒐集と校訂翻訳
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This paper is the sequel to "A Study on Zurvanite Zoroastrianism 1 : Collecting and Editing MSS of ‘Ulamā-ye Islām and its Comparison with Manichaeism and Dualistic Zoroastrianism," The Memoirs of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, No. 158, pp. 166(115)~78(203), 2010. In that paper I edited a Persian treatise ‘Ulamā-ye Islām as the only surviving work from Zurvanite point of view. But this same title has another version dealing with not Zurvanite thought in the fifth century, but a refutation against early Islamic theology Mu'tazilite from Zoroastrian point of view. Although the Persian text is published in lithograph in 1922, no critical editions exist thus far. To address this situation, I have collected independent MSS of that treatise both already known in Mumbai (3) and Navsari (1) and unknown in Tehran (2) and Hyderabad (1), then papered the stemma codicum of this another version of ‘Ulamā-ye Islām too and established an Urtext that could account for the variants.// This Urtext reveals some unknown aspects of early history of Islamic theology from Zoroastrian criticism against a concept of Shayy of Mu'tazilite. It must be noted that the origin of the concept Māhīyah (essence) has been debated at the context of Islamic philosophy and some scholar supposed early Mu'tazilite theologians first introduced Shayy as the meaning of essence and this may be the origin of Māhīyah of Ibn Sīnā (d. 1037) without any textual evidence. But now this another version of ‘Ulamā-ye Islām unexpectedly proves that early Mu'tazilite theologians used this term as the meaning of essence, we can safely conclude that direct origin of Māhīyah is not ancient Greek philosophy but early Mu'tazilite theology.
- 2011-03-28
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