漢字に苦手意識を持つ小学生に対する認知カウンセリング : 有能感の促進に着目して
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This paper is a case report for a child who is weak in kanji by cognitive counseling. The first author instructed an elementary school third grader of uncertain PDD in kanji. He could read kanji, but he was weak in writing kanji and he took long time to write kanji. And he had very low competence. So the enhancement of his competence, the instruction of writing a character with the stroke in correct order, and the tip on writing a good balance character were conducted. The result of these instructions, he could write a kanji. And these instructions had improved his competence and motivation. But he does poorly at kanji quiz at school, and he is still far from writing a character with the stroke in correct order. It is necessary for him to another instruction after this.
- 2011-03-20
論文 | ランダム
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