- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study mainly studied some properties of retail stores on the central shopping streets in Okayama City while looking back on the transition of the commerce. Second, we investigated the actual conditions of most retail stores in Omote-cho in terms of the questionnaire survey. Third, we considered the problems and measures on retail stores, a little. The charm of the central shopping streets has decreasedrelatively in Okayama City due to the advancement of a large-scale stores and the location competition of convenience stores. The number of empty stores has increased and the amount of the pedestrian traffic, the value of sales, and the number of retail stores have shown the decreasing tendency in eight commercial blocs in Omote-cho. Therefore, the unique features in Omote-cho should be polished while esteeming the historyand the culture. The charm and/or the atmosphere of traditional commercial blocs is requested to be created while sending new informations that continue to create young person's fashion and culture.
- 2011-03-18
論文 | ランダム
- 定年制と労働福祉
- 国際社会保障の一考察
- ニュ-・ジ-ランドの社会保障--とくに所得保障を中心にして
- コメント (第17回社会保障研究所シンポジウム--「活力ある福祉社会」と社会保障--社会保障は国民社会の活力を低下させるか)
- レポ-ト 年金計画と年金年齢 (年金制度と年金年齢(社会保障研究所公開研究座談会))