陸上競技の短距離選手に対するコーチング実践 : 縦断的な動作測定・筋力測定・動作意識からトレーニングの方向性を探る
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of running motions and to indicatethe future training guidelines in the longitudinal study. The subject is the 100m sprinterwho has the best record of 10.78 seconds. The subject performed 100m sprint running at themaximal effort and this movement was recorded with a high speed video camera in order toobtain the kinematic data. Iso-kinetic maximal muscle strength was measured during concentricflexion/extension of the knee, hip joint at 60, 180, 300deg/sec. The subject was interviewed4 times regarding the running motion feeling during training sessions.Results were as follows,(1)With the increase of running velocity during the 40-50m phase, athlete decreased thestride frequency and increased the stride length from one to five experiments.(2)Athlete reduced extension movement of the ankle and knee joint at the support phaseof running.(3)The trajectory of the lower limb changed from the back to front position during therunning.(4)Athlete developed maximal muscle strength of extension of the hip joint at each angle.(5)Athlete concentrated on the importance of stride length instead of stride frequencyduring the motion.(6)Athlete changed the conscious of running motion from its feet of the terminal of itsbody to its hip area of its central body during running.These results suggested that these scientific data are important to indicate training futureguidelines, such as improving the running motion, changing the conscious of running motions,improving the maximal muscle strength and so forth. It suggests 3 training points for thissubject; to reduce extension of the ankle and knee joint during the support phase, to enhancethe maximal extension/ flexion strength of the hip joint, and to clarify the conscious of bodymotion.
- 2009-03-15
論文 | ランダム
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