環境教育と野外スポーツ : 大津市の環境学習の実践,その取り組みの現状と課題
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The purpose of this study was 1)to clarify the theory of environmental education, 2)todescribe the historical changes, and 3)to outline the environmental education in ShigaPrefecture and Otsu city.Initially the purpose of environmental education was a central concept based onenvironmental protection. The Belgrade Charter was organized in six sections:“Awareness”,“Knowledge”, “ Attitude”,“ Skills”,“ Evaluation Ability”,“ Participation.”Since the 1990s, camethe idea of Sustainable Development. Environmental education purposes, including the meansto pursue social justice, related to keywords of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).In Japan, environmental education began as pollution education and nature conservationeducation. The “Japanese type environmental education” was examined by startingenvironmental education from 1990 onwards. In 2003,“ The Desire to Promote EnvironmentalConservation and Environmental Education Law” was enacted.Outdoor sports are the physical activities that make the best use of natural environmentresources. Outdoor education which is directed to education in outdoor sports has developed inschool camping and organized camping. Environmental education is an important element ofoutdoor education.The first stage execution plan of the Otsu General Plan was to foster the Otsu Children’s“Kankyo-bito” Committee operations, and the basic policy of fostering the Otsu“ Kankyo-bito”was formulated. As concrete projects, the nature family projects and the leader trainingprograms have been executed. The nature family projects are natural development ofexperience-based environmental education programs for children and parents, and the leadertraining programs are developed for leaders involved in the teaching of natural experientiallearning environments.
- 2010-03-15
論文 | ランダム
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