特別なニーズをもつ子どもに対する教師の関わり決定のプロセスに関する研究 : 教師と臨床心理士のより効果的なコラボレーション実現を目指して
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The purpose of this study is to understand teachers'speech and behavior in order to search for the effective collaboration of teachers and clinical psychologists in school. The author interviewed 7 teachers who supported the children with special needs, to explore the process of decision of teachers'relations to those children. As a result, teachers'relations were composed by six elements ; "Teacher's viewpoints of grasping child's characteristic", "Way of understanding the child", "Sense of values", "Stance", "Participation level", and "Individuality". Moreover, it was shown that the type of teachers'relatoins were classified into seven types by a combination of the six elements. These results are useful for clinical psychologists to understand teachers. And they are also useful for teachers to understand themselves. In addition, it was pointed out that "Sharing of understandings of child's characteristics" is important not to repress the subjectivity of teachers in the collaboration of teachers and clinical psychologists.
- 2011-03-10
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