近世前期福岡藩における財政政策の転換 ― 貞享4年新高廃止の意義―
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菅家正瑞教授定年退職記念号In Honour of Prof. Masamitsu KankeShintaka-narasi of Hukuoka-han has been studied as a matter of fief system. But Shintaka-narasi was not carried out to change fief system as a direct purpose. Shintaka-narasi was carried out to solve a financial problem in a large meaning. However, because Shintaka-narasi has been hardly examined as a financial problem, a financial problem has been confused a matter of fief system with, the evaluation of Shintaka-narasi was vague. In this paper we examine the abolition of Shintaka-narasi in 1687 as a financial problem.
- 2010-09-24
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