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This paper aims to describe the function of personal possessive particles in Shinekhen Buryat.In this language, nouns and verbs take a personal possessive particle. Regardingnouns, the particle indicates the person/number of the possessor (or a related person).In the case of verbs, participles and some converbs in the subordinate clause takethe personal possessive particle that agrees with the person/number of the subject.Furthermore, future participles in the sentence final position sometimes take the firstpersonal possessive particle. Such future participle sentences express the deonticmeaning: “I must V” or “I have to V.” They are semantically different from thesubordinate future participle clauses (“I intended to V, (but) ...”) and syntacticallydifferent from others that take personal predicative particles. We can consider thesentences with personal possessive particles in the final position as insubordinatedclauses.
- 2011-03-25
論文 | ランダム
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