RoboCup Rescue Simulation におけるRescue MIKE version 0 の設計と実装
- 論文の詳細を見る
We designed a systemï¼Rescue MIKEï¼and imp1emented to the RoboCup Rescue Simu1ation Systemï¼The Rescue MIKE system aims to communicate with 1arge numbers of re1ief workers and contro11ers working in a rescue domainï¼The system has an abi1ity to report the situation of the domain 1ike a newscasterï¼Our system consists of mu1tip1e agentsï¼The system co11ects information from a simu1ated disaster scenarioï¼and then prodces a dia1ogue that fits to the actions of the agents in the domainï¼We described the design po1icy imp1ementation of our systemï¼and Rescue MIKE s faci1itγ Rescue MIKE initia1 version can provide aura1 information that he1ps to exp1ain the unfo1ding know1edge e1icitation about disaster re1ief cntro1 methodsï¼automated re1ief support systemsï¼and public education about the dangers of 1arge natura1 disasters such as earthquakes, floodsvor volcanic eruptions
- 福井大学工学部の論文
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- RoboCup Rescue SimulationにおけるRescue MIKE version 0の設計と実装
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- RoboCup Rescue Simulation におけるRescue MIKE version 0 の設計と実装