北京五輪に向けた報道規制緩和に関する考察--北京五輪で中国政府が実施したメディア規制とその緩和策について (世界の中の日本,日本の中の世界--日・中・韓関係とジャーナリズムの役割について)
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From January 2007, China has unveiled a new set of regulations on reporting activities during Beijing Olympic Games. The regulations stipulated that foreign journalists■ need only to obtain organization's or indivisual's prior consent■ when reporting in China. This was a dramatic change and significant shift from prior regulations which required consent from local governments or authorities when reporting in rural areas. Prior regulations were sources of troubles for foreign jour nalists because if they went to rural areas for reporting activities without having obtained consents, those regulations made their activities ■illegal■. New regulations were generally welcomed by foreign journalists stationed in China, because this seemed to have shown Chinese government’s more opning attitude toward foreign journalists. But when riots broke out in Lhasa on March 14th in 2008, this attitude was tested. Chinese government severely restricted the entry of foreign journalists to the Tibetan autonomous region citing domestic laws. They even counter attacked US or European news media for having ■prejudice■ against China. At the same time, when another severe natural disaster struck China in Sichuan province in May, Chinese government allowed foreign journalists to freely cover the earthquake hit areas. During the Olympic games in August, Chinese government mostly allowed free internet access for foreign media except for Falungong related organaizations and the groups related to Tibetan independence. After the Olympic games, on Oct. 17 2008, Chinese government announced the new law, essentially to sustain the January 2007 regulations. This shows Chinese government determination to open up the country to foreign media activities. Even though China still tries to tightly control the foreign media and continues authoritarian rule of domestic media, loosing up of those controls can be expected in the long run.
- 龍谷大学国際社会文化研究所の論文
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