- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1983-03-25
高橋 正治
Takahashi Masaji
Department Of Radiation Oncology And Image-applied Therapy Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto Univers
- F-33 末梢型肺癌の臨床的検討
- 術中照射と非蝶番型人工膝関節の併用による骨肉腫治療
- 骨肉腫に対する術中開創照射療法
- 55.非小細胞III期肺癌の放射線治療成績 : とくにTN因子との関係(第42回日本肺癌学会関西支部会)
- 人工気胸術後の慢性膿胸壁に発生した悪性リンパ腫の1例
- Hc-40 肺癌患者の臨床統計
- 胸腺腫瘍に対する放射線治療成績
- 243 縦隔腫瘍の放射線治療成績
- CTシミュレータ : マルチCT画像を用いた新しい3次元治療計画システム
- シ-I-5 放射線治療の立場から
- The Effect of N^6-butyrylcordycepin on Potentially Lethal Damage Repair in Vivo
- 53.小細胞未分化肺癌の放射線治療成績(第42回日本肺癌学会関西支部会)
- 49.原発性肺癌に対する加温併用放射線治療の臨床成績(第42回日本肺癌学会関西支部会)
- 術中照射と増感剤併用治療 (放射線治療)
- 膀胱癌の集学的治療法 : I 膀胱癌全摘適応例における術前照射症例の病理組織学的検討 : 第94回関西地方会
- 非小細胞性進行肺癌の放射線治療
- 前立腺癌に対する術中照射療法について : 前立腺癌治療上の諸問題
- 悪性軟部腫瘍に対する術中照射療法
- ラット肺照射モデルを用いた放射線肺炎と肺表面活性物質との関係についての研究
- 多分割照射における照射間隔の治療効果に対する影響
- 担癌生体における β-aminoisobutyric acid の意義について
- Quantitative FDG-uptake by positron emission tomography in progressive hypertrophy of rat hearts in vivo
- ^F-FDG and ^C-methionine PET for evaluation of treatment response of lung cancer after stereotactic radiotherapy
- 5-[^I]Iodo-A-85380 : assessment of pharmacological safety, radiation dosimetry and SPECT imaging of brain nicotinic receptors in healthy human subjects
- What is the most appropriate scan timing for intraoperative detection of malignancy using ^F-FDG-sensitive gamma probe? Preliminary phantom and preoperative patient study
- Clinical value of FDG-PET in the follow up of post-operative patients with endometrial cancer
- Detection of Unstable Coronary Plaque : Experimental Study of Plaque Avid Tracer and Catheter Based Intra-Vascular Radiation Detector (IVRD)
- Results of radiation therapy combined with neoadjuvant hormonal therapy for stage III prostate cancer : comparison of two different definitions of PSA failure
- Current status of stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer
- Clinical Results of Breast Conserving Therapy for Stage I and II Breast Cancers : Assessment of Local Recurrences in Relation to Surgical Margins
- Preliminary Results of Quadrantectomy and Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer
- Comparisons of the impact of systematic uncertainties in patient setup and prostate motion on doses to the target among different plans for definitive external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer
- Misonidazole併用の術中照射-腫瘍と正常組織の薬剤分布,一次治療効果について-
- Evaluation of mass-like consolidation after stereotactic body radiation therapy for lung tumors
- In Vivo Imaging of Brain Dopaminergic Neurotransmission System in Small Animals with High-resolution Singles Photon Emission Computed Tomography
- Evaluation of radioiodinated 5-iodo-3- (2(S) -azetidinylmethoxy) pyridine as a ligand for SPECT investigations of brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
- 子宮頚癌放射線治療におけるYM-08310の放射線防護効果の検討
- Comparison of three radiotherapy treatment planning protocols of definitive external-beam radiation for localized prostate cancer
- 9 胸部 X-P 陰性の肺門部肺癌の臨床的検討(肺癌 2)
- 電子線術中照射法
- Long-term outcomes of three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy combined with neoadjuvant hormonal therapy in Japanese patients with locally advanced prostate cancer
- Impact of double-balloon rectal catheter use in external-beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer
- 癌治療における併用療法としての低温度温熱処置の有用性について
- 温熱治療時における温度降下率の臨床的意義に関する検討
- マウス固形腫瘍に対する^Pt-CDDPを用いた温熱化学療法におけるニコチンアミドの付加的効果に関する考察