- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was aimed to compare the morpho1ogica1and fmctiona1growth with the deve1opmenton physica1fitness by a1ongitudina1samp1e of boys and gir1s aged from4to15years o1d.The subjectswere the chi1dren of Y kindergarten at first survey,which1ocates in Oho-branch,Tsukuba City,Ibaraki Prefecture.The samp1e consisted of22boys and10gir1s from1978to1989amua11y.The subjects were devided into two groups,one is named1arge group(LG),the other is named sma11goup (SG)based on the amount of increase in standing height:LG;13boys and4gir1s,and SG;8boys and gir1s.And to investigate the re1ationship of items,re1ative va1ues were made as the amount of increase in12years become100%.So a11the va1ue at the age of4in every item is O%and the va1ue of15years is100%.This re1ative va1ue was named RELATIVE VARIABLE RATIO.And the amua1increase amount of re1ative variab1e ratio was named ANNUAL INCREASE RATIO,The items for measurement were height,weight,skinfo1d thickness,grip strength,1eg strength,vertica1jump,side jumps,jump over&craw1under,ba1ance beam wa1king,zigzag run,tapping,foot tapping,who1ebodyreaction time and sit-and-reach test. Resu1ts were as fo11ows: 1)It is suggested that many item of SG reaches to near100%ear1ier than LG. 2)Re1ative variab1e ratio has three trends for increase,the first is fast spurt type such as jump over&craw1mder,the second is midd1e type such as height and the third is s1ow spurt type such as grip strength.
- 筑波大学体育科学系の論文
筑波大学体育科学系 | 論文
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