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論説(Article)本稿は、19世紀前半におけるシエラ・レオネの解放アフリカ人の処遇と運命について分析したものである。1807年にイギリスは自国の奴隷貿易を禁止した。その後、他のヨーロッパ諸国に対しても奴隷貿易禁止を迫った。奴隷貿易船はイギリス海軍によって拿捕され、シエラ・レオネに連行され、奴隷たちは解放された。彼(女)らの多くは、シエラ・レオネで生活することになった。この過程を主導したのがイギリスのアボリショニストであった。The paper analyzes the circumstance of the Liberated Africans who were transported to Sierra Leone during the first half of the 19th century. The paper also considers the role played by the abolitionists in Britain in changing the fate of the Liberated Africans. When slave trade was abolished across the British Empire in 1807, Sierra Leone became a royal British Colony. Sierra Leone not only played an important role as a base to suppress the slave trade, both domestic and foreign, but also gave shelter to many Africans who were brought there on slave ships and judged as free individuals at the mixed commission and were free to settle in Sierra Leone. Their population has increased rapidly since 1820's as several thousand Africans arrived in Sierra Leone every year.
- 2008-12-20
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